Our 2021 Adventures are lined up through summer, and boy are we ready!


2021 Calendar of trips

  1. January20: Intro to Outdoor Rock Climbing: Level A

  2. March 19 - 21: Trail Rides and Dino Tracks at Dinosaur Valley: Level A

  3. April 30 - May 2: Arrows and Paddles at Mineral Wells State Park: Level B

  4. July 9 - 12: “Beat the Heat” High Altitude Trek in the Guadalupe Mountains: Level D

    Ask us about our fall trips @ trailblazer@texaswildwest.live!

    And remember: while we have the set trips above, TWW is available to guide individual trips and parties. Just drop us an email.


CAPABILITY Requirements

Level A:

  • Can walk 3 miles

  • Can sleep in a tent, potentially in cold (25 oF) or hot (70 oF) temperatures

  • Not afraid to be on a horse

Level B (requires one of the following):

  • Can walk 5 miles

  • Can wear a lifejacket and sit in a canoe

  • Can follow safety instructions when handling bows and arrows

Level C:

  • Can walk 7 miles

  • Can wear a lifejacket, sit in a canoe, and paddle

  • Can crawl through dark caves and manage tight spaces

  • Can obey instructions in the dark

Level D:

  • Can walk 9 miles at a good pace

  • Can set up a tent

  • Can follow a trail map without parental assistance in a group of peers


Between Guadalupe and Shumard Peaks looking west over West Texas.