The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
This Biblical passage resonates with me, especially under the big Texas sky. The sky is an analogy for how limited and minuscule we are, both in relation to the sky itself and to its Creator. We cannot help but acknowledge this perspective on a visceral level, even if only in our subconscious. And this awe leads to an element often missing in modern life, that of wonder.
I start this blog and the Texas Wild West business with the hope of reintroducing children and parents to the wonder of the natural world. From wonder spring a number of secondary impulses—among them creativity, gratitude, and self-discovery. As my six-year-old said, “Being in nature, you can do more things, like throw sticks [in the stream], and run around, and dig, and nobody seems to mind.” With this freedom comes responsibility: we need to know how to conduct ourselves safely in the wild. In our increasingly mechanized, plasticized, socialized, and “modernized” world, these lost arts and knowledge need to be passed on to the next generation. To this purpose also I set Texas Wild West.
More fundamentally, the purpose of TWW is to take families outside. We want to foster shared experience, creativity in relationships, and bonding between parents and children. We tailor the location, activities, and atmosphere for our families. Try us out!